Pre-implantation genetic testing is done to identify any genetic defects in embryos that are created during in-vitro fertilization (IVF) in a laboratory. During IVF, eggs are mixed with sperm to create embryos.

While the embryos are growing in the lab, the doctor removes a few cells (DNA) from each of the embryos to check for any chromosomal abnormalities. Embryos with chromosomal abnormalities may not lead to a healthy pregnancy and could result in a miscarriage.

The Best Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing in Laguna Hills, Orange County CA

Pre-implantation genetic testing increases the odds of a successful pregnancy and lowers the chance of miscarriage by making sure that only genetically healthy embryos are transferred to the woman’s uterus.

Pre-implantation genetic testing looks for more than 100 genetic conditions that could be passed from a couple to their future child. A parent can pass a genetic abnormality on to a child even if the parent does not have outward signs of the abnormality.

Couples who definitely need pre-implantation genetic testing are those who have a family history of genetic disorders or chromosomal abnormality.

Some of the reasons women need pre-implantation genetic testing include: irregular ovulation, repeated miscarriages, failed fertility treatments and advanced age. Older women (35+) have a higher percentage of genetically abnormal eggs.

After pre-implantation genetic testing, the normal and healthy embryo will be placed in the woman’s uterus. If the embryo naturally implants in the uterine wall, then the woman should have a positive pregnancy test. Any extra embryos can be kept frozen for possible use in the future.

Pre-implantation genetic testing can help insure a successful pregnancy, and spare couples the heartbreak of genetic complications and unsuccessful IVF.

Make an Appointment for Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing in Laguna Hills, Orange County CA

Pre-implantation genetic testing helps couples achieve their dream of having biological children. If you have this dream, then please call 949-516-0150 and make an appointment with Dr. Banafsheh Kashani. She can walk you through the steps it will take to become pregnant and make your dream a reality.

Dr. Kashani is a board-certified OB/GYN and specialist in reproductive endocrinology and infertility who has been treated infertility patients since 2014.